Sunday, April 24, 2005

*Graphic Author[ity]*

Who has the authority to call themselves an author? Who has the authority to be the one to determine if one is or is not an author? As graphic designers could we consider ourselves to be the author of our work?As designers can we claim to be the author of a particular style?

If you look back to the mid to late 90’s and examine the works of the current deconstrucivst David Carson, you can easily identify his style. The first thing that comes to mind is Carson's approach to publication design. If you were to look thru a 100 Raygun or Surfer Magazines it would not be difficult to identify which ones were touched by his graphic flair.

It was common in Carson's work to have line lengths stretch across an entire spread, he would cross out words, turn bodies of text upside down and even went as far to tear apart beautiful photography. One could argue that Carson was indeed the the Author of this ‘style’. While others say, “But, I am the one who wrote the article.” Which brings yet another question to the table. In order to consider David Carson an author, would he have had to actually written the text he so carefully layed out?

In my opinion, the poster designer is the only true author. No, I am not taking about movie posters or posters advertising a new weight loss pill. I am referring to the propaganda poster designer. This type of designer uses his/her skills to voice their thoughts of the world we our living in today. They are informing us of a situation close to their heart, while writing their own copy, creating their own images and most of all - using their own thoughts. I think this is the reason for the sudden influx of poster designers signing their posters. Which was common on most design, pre stock images and illustrations.

My most rewarding class, was a poster design class. Where we were the true authors of our posters. We were forced to write our copy and create our images. When we finished our posters it truly contained all of our emotions.

*just more random thoughts*


At 11:52 PM, Blogger shannon said...

Right on Chris! You have a great way with words, you should write more. Thanks for checking it out!


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