Monday, February 14, 2005

* Christo & Jeanne Claude *

What a great day. My mother started walking again this weekend. Just out of the blue she has more energy and movement. It is only 7 or 8 steps to and from the wheelchair, but it is so much more than in the last month. My sister Steph came in this weekend with my nephews. It was great to have them around and I think my parents really enjoyed it. My father stayed in the apt. almost the entire weekend. On Sunday I talked him into going to Central Park with me to see Christo’s new creation. It was amazing to be part of such a huge moment in history. He too enjoyed it more than he thought he would.
Christo has been working on this project for 26 years and spent $20 million of his own money to produce this work of art. Each gate is 16 feet high but vary in width from 6 to 18 feet. The Gate stretches for 23 miles along the sidewalks of the park. There are more than 7,500 saffron colored panels made of vinyl. All material will be recycled.

thanks boys for making me smile when it seems impossible


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