Tuesday, February 01, 2005

* womb talk *

I sleep most nights with my mother. My father would never hear in the middle of the night. Last night we spooned. As a child,
if I was sick she would sleep with me and we always slept like this. Always with one arm over my torso. It always made me feel warm and protected knowing she was there. Last night, I had that same feeling. This may sound strange to some of you to hear a 28 year old girl is still spooning with her mother. But to me it’s her way of saying ‘don’t be scared, I am right here’.
I was talking to Holly about it and she remarked how special it was and how she never had this closeness with her own
mother.Even though they have a great relationship and her mother is very supportive - she still couldn't imagine cuddling with her mother. She compared it to being in the womb. Even if a little strange, I can see where she is coming from. I just
feel so lucky to have this time right NOW with my mother at a time when her life feels like it’s upside down.

* It seems I have no contol over the look of this text *


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