Tuesday, June 14, 2005

* Let it burn *

You know that feeling when you have a sun burn and then a couple days later it starts to itch. Not the kind of itch you can just scratch and it goes away, the kind that gets worse once you have scratched it. The itch seems to be under my skin and by scratching it I am just teasing it. Thank god it’s only my shoulders and not my entire body. I am sitting here in my fathers library, trying to work on my thesis and my shoulders are burning. My brain is burning too. Is it possible it too was burnt during my one hour in the sun? Never a golden tan for me, just RED RED RED!
awwww... back to Stepanova


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Jeope said...

Hey Red, remember when you were snappin' pics of those antiquated ads painted directly on the walls of NYC buildings? And I said there were some here? This is my fave, it's a local icon. Check it out:



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