Wednesday, June 29, 2005

* The Slurpee Factor *

It has been pouring the last few days. Only during the day and then in the evening it clears up. It is driving me insane and makes me think more than I would like to. I went to the gym today and I feel great now that I am back on my fitness track. I think my hamstring has completely healed and I am growing more and more confident that I shall not pull it again. OH THE PAIN!

A few day ago, Shawn stopped by. Yup, just out of the blue. I hate how he thinks he can just stop by my place and think I am ok with it. He was very tan and his hair has gotten longer. He looks as if he has spent the summer catching waves. He would never be that cool. Rather, I can imagine him running from the tide coming in. As he sat on my sofa, crazy thoughts were going through my head. He would look at me strangely and I would think to myself, ' did I say that out load'. I was thinking how happy I was to be rid of him, but sadly as long as I lived in this small town he would always be around. I started to picture all of his friends and I was trying to pick one I could make out with just to upset him. Sadly, I could not come up with one, even if it would bring me great satisfaction. I then started to criticizie myself for not questioning his disgusting friends he hung out with. Surly that should have been a sign. All of this is going through my head as he is talking to me about some Russian Cold War book he is reading. Don't ask me what it is about I have no clue. Out of the blue I asked him if there were any 7-11's near by that I may of over looked. I had an incrediblie craving for a Slurpee. He look at me like I was crazy. He said ,"I was talking about Russia". I said "Oh sorry, I just really want a Slurpee right now.' This really took him for a spin, as he had no clue what a Slurpee was. To top it off he had never been to a 7-11. Not that 7-11 is some spectactular supper store, but it is home of the Slurpee. When I was dating Shawn I always blamed his abnormal personalty on his fucked up parents. Now I know it's because of his lack of Slurpee intake. It's every child's right in life to have a nice cold one during the summer months. Every time he pops in, there is a new validation to my happiness with out him. This time it was the Slurpee factor.

FInd out more about The Slurpee!


At 4:18 PM, Blogger Jeope said...

"When I was dating Shawn I always blamed his abnormal personalty on his fucked up parents. Now I know it's because of his lack of Slurpee intake."

OK, now that's the funniest thing I've seen today. I hope it's supposed to be funny, anyway. That's like something you'd hear narrated in a movie.

Have a good long weekend, Shannon!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger NPB said...

I am from Puerto Rico and I know about Slurpees. Thats a shame he hasnt experienced one. Maybe he is from Mars. Ive been a happy single as well, very happy. You know what I am talking about.


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