*design pandemonium*
Monday, February 27, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Well, I am going back to NYC for the first time since last winter. People keep asking me if I worried it will bring back bad feelings of my mother being ill. Maybe in all the sadness I never talked about how wonderful that time was in NYC. I was able to spend so much time with my mother and father. Most of all, I was part of her amazing fight. I can't think of a better place to have been. I could walk the streets of NYC and the crazys would help me forget for a sec how bad things were. The people were great and very helpful. In all I can't wait to go back!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
*District Being 'Manhattanized'?*

D.C.'s Chinatown development is in full force
Berckes, from The DCist writes: "With the redevelopment of certain parts of the city such as the U Street corridor and Gallery Place/Chinatown (which some call our own Times Square) alongside the falling crime numbers in the past few years, the District most certainly has come a long way. We're pretty proud to call this spiffed-up place home, and anxious to see in which direction it will head in the years to come."
Bloomberg even writes: The Manhattanization of the nation's capital, where until 1999 the subway quit at midnight, hasn't stopped at bars and restaurants. Real estate prices are soaring, driving the cost of office space beyond New York levels, and department stores and hotels better identified with Manhattan are adding glitz to a city once described by columnist Russell Baker as ``a marble graveyard after dark.'' D.C., Once `Graveyard After Dark,' Adds Manhattan Glitz, Pricest
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Boycotting Google?
It says it all in the title. I’m sure your first reaction is to gasp. How could we go through are daily lives without Google. For the past few years I have used Google to investigate all of my curiosities. Hell, I have even been known to use it as means to check my repulsive spelling. My main source for email is through Google’s Gmail.
So by boycotting Google I would have to restructure my entire existence.
By now I’m sure you are thinking I am nuts and if you are still reading this I applaud you.
Today I was going through Fox News – I know, I know, don’t want to hear it from you lefties. Fox reported that Google has created a censored version of their search engine to cater to China’s Communistic nation. How could this be? The article goes on to say:
“Google Inc. launched a search engine in China last month that censors material about human rights, Tibet and other topics sensitive to Beijing. Google defends the move as a trade-off granting Chinese greater access to other information.”
China being responsible for the Dali Llamas exile in the mid 1950’s, while seizing Tibet and persecution of those who spoke out against them. Even going as far as torturing those Practiced the native religion of Buddhism. There have been stories of Tibetan nuns having cattle rods shoved up area of their bodies that have never even experienced pleasure and shocking them with waves of electricity. Not in a delightful or enjoying act.
That was my attemtept to shock you. Did it work?
Thanks for letting me rant!
I urge you to go out and do some of your own research just don’t use Google to do it.
Tibetan Exiles Protest Google Censorship
Friends of Tibet!
Students For A Free Tibet
Tibet Online