*Champagne, Wine and a Merry Good Time
The last two Christmas's have been absolutely miserable. Around Thanksgiving I was feeling the same misery. Something in me snapped. I vowed to make this holiday season different and embrace it. At the time, I was unsure how I was going lift my sprits. I realized if I sat around being grumpy, then I deserved to be grumpy. Instead, I would look back on past Christmas's with found memories, rather than longing to have just one more with my entire family. I started to plan a holiday party - my first. Everyone loves a party. In Savannah, the month of December is filled with one holiday party after another. It's what we do best here in Savannah - party! I knew lots of people would show up and drink, eat and DRINK! But when the party was over what would be left? Instead, I asked everyone to bring a toy to benefit Toys For Tots! Nothing makes a person feel better about themselves like helping other people. Plus, most of us do not have children and going toy shopping is a blast. A week prior to the party, a few good friends came over for a pajama tree decorating party. It was a blast a few of us in our pajamas eating pizza, drinking egg nog and trying to figure out how to get the lights on the tree. It was that night that I realized I had a "new" family. Closer than ever with my "real" family, I was lucky to find myself with an extended family. Savannah seems to be the land of orphans and misfits. We find ourselves here and search for something or someone to make it home. For me it's my friends. Thanks to everyone for making this a great Toys For Tots party. It was an amazing turnout!

Savannah family!

Gunner alway wants to fight me! ;-)

Lot's of toys for the kids!
The best PJ party....ever!
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