* LogoWorks or NoLogoWorks *
I am in my last round of FINALS FOREVER! I am so sleepy and think I may be seeing things. So, this post is going to be a bit shorter than I would like it to be.
I have an issue that needs immediate action, for the sake of graphic design. My major concern is with LogoWorks.
LogoWorks is a 'factory' of so called graphic designers, who freelance
from their homes in order to provide cheep fast logo's. Cheep and fast are the key words here. For approximately $265.00 Logoworks will design a logo for your company's needs. While paying their graphic designers $50.00 a logo.
Three things concern me the most:
First, sure they are cheep and fast, but should they be considered a brilliant option for successful a mark? What happens to the research method that should go into each mark? We all know that creating a logo is more than simply designing a pretty icon. Most of the time, I find that the process tends to take longer than the actual creation of a logo. This is lost in 'LogoWorks' cheep and fast guarantee.
Second, Von R. Glitschka - graphic designer and founder of Bad Design Kills, has brought to my attention that LogoWorks is actively ripping off logos from the 'better known'. Here are a few examples:
Mark Fox Original Logo

Mark Fox Rip off as seen on LogoWorks

Gazelle Bike Original Logo

Gazelle Bike Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

OSU Beaver Original Logo:
Source: http://oregonstate.edu

OSU Beaver Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

FirstWorld Original Logo:
Source: 'Big Book of Logos' - Pg. 150

FirstWorld Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

Urban Market Original Logo:
Source: 'Logo Lounge I' - Pg. 177

Urban Market Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

Edison Original Logo:
Source: http://www.edison.com

Edison Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

Hangers Original Logo:
Source: www.hangersdrycleaners.com

Hangers Rip:
As seen on LogoWorks.com

Hardly, successful!
My third concern, is the accolades LogoWorks has been receiving, with little criticism. The Wall Street Journaldid a piece praising LogoWorks for their inventive logo solutions.
Even marketing guru,Laura Ries , who has written books such as, The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, writes "Thanks to LogoWorks, no longer is there an excuse for an ugly logo."
If you feel I have a valid point, please do something about. LogoWorks has not had a direct effect on me yet, but hell if I am going to sit around and wait till it dose. Write your local papers or any design writers you may know and help spread the word.
We're the first to admit that our service lacks sophisticated brand strategy provided by good local and national agencies. I just don't believe the dry cleaner, the local restaurant owner or a roofer needs a sophisticated brand strategy. jeff@logoworks.com t. 801-805-3702.