**Attention Savannah**
I have a very important announcement to make. Read carefully, as the words written on this page may come to a huge shock to those of you that know me. I, SP, on this day declare myself a lifelong Spinster. I would like to think I have chosen this path myself and it was not given to me. Frankly, I enjoy not having to clean up after anyone else, other than my cat. Really, what kind of Spinster would I be if I didn't have a cat? I gush at the thought of not having to share my bottle of wine with another human being. Why should I have to go through all the trouble of getting those trick corks out, just to have someone else drink my wine? As a Spinster, I get to choose what I want to eat every night and then choose which reality show goes best with my meal. Watch out Savannah it's curry every night from here on out. So, if you see me walking down Congress Street looking particularly hot, don't bother stopping me. As of today, I'M DONE!